Friday, March 23, 2012

Gallons of Laundry Detergent and Sticky Buns!

I have not done very good with keeping up my blog.  But, last night I made home made laundry detergent.  So far this morning it looks like one has turned out really well.  The other bucket hasn't really set up the way it should.  The difference was I used a dial bar of soap in the one that didn't and Ivory in the one that did.  You can go to the website and see the recipe for making your own.  I made about 4 and 1/2 gallons for less than $4.  (And it would be even less than that cause I still have plenty of stuff left over for more batches and I don't have to buy a bucket...)  It smells WONDERFUL.  I just hope it works as good as it smells.

On other note I made sticky buns for breakfast.  Rustin calls it cake.  But it was amazing.  You can find the recipe here.  I used whole grain biscuits and it worked well.  So less fat and healthier to combat all the sugar and butter.  :)  But it is kid approved...

This Spring Break has been pretty uneventful.  I haven't really done much.  I tried to catch up on laundry.  I have tried to descuzz the house.  I have tried to spend lots of time with my family.  But all the other stuff that I needed to do didn't get done.  I have a giant paper to write about successful teaching strategies for students with autism.  I have lots of power points for my lessons plans that I need to make.  I will just have to make time some how.  I guess I can always lose sleep.

Tonight is also Prairie Land Food distribution.  Josh is running to Wellington tonight to get the food so that I don't have to which is nice.  I appreciate his willingness to help out more than he knows.  If you know of anyone that could use cheap food that is amazing quality please share our Facebook page so that they can get in contact with Cassie or I.

Well I think that is enough for today.  Hope you have a great day!

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