Friday, August 9, 2013

I feel a bit less smart.

Farwell teeth!

There are lots of body parts that we have, that were given to us by God, that we can somehow live without.  Which to me, it doesn't make much sense as to why we would have these parts if we did not need them.  One part, or parts, are wisdom teeth.  I had mine removed yesterday.  I really dreaded it. In fact, I have been putting it off for 10 years!  Anyway, so to get my mind off the pain that I am going through I tried to keep myself busy.  Last night I went to the Pioneer Feed at the County Fair.  Since I am on City Council, we serve the food.  I felt like I needed to be there.  Today, I spent the day canning, baking and picking the garden., along with all the other house hold chores.  I am about out of energy so I figured I would post a couple recipies for those of you interested in what I did today.

Dill Relish!
The first thing I needed to do was use up a bunch of cucumbers.  I have already made dill pickles (Spears, rings, and sandwich slices) so I figured I needed dill relish to go along with the sweet relish.  Here is the recipe I used.  It turned out a beautiful color with an amazing flavor.

Double-Chocolate Zucchini Bread
Double-Chocolate Zucchini Bread
Next I needed to bake something.  I found a recipe on Pinterest from a 4 ingredient chocolate zucchini bread.  It was sub-par.  Nothing had amounts.  It was 3 or 4 zucchini, a cake mix, a couple eggs, and some water depending on moistness.  That doesn't fly with me.  So I searched and found another and the batter when I was finished was amazing.  These are going to my hubby's formans.  That way he can thank them for letting him off to take me to my surgery yesterday.

Overall today was a good day.  It could have been much worse.  Now I am headed down to the fair to see what I can find.  Surely a funnel cake will be ok to eat right?  :)
Harper Co. Fair Time!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

A Day of Canning!

"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." - Nelson Mandela

Zombies...  :-)

I think I am in love.  There is just something about taking food that you grow and putting it in a jar.  Not sure what it is, but it makes you feel pretty dang cool.  

Helping can green beans.
Not sure why I even wanted to start.  I helped mom and grandma in the kitchen when I could.  I can remember picking every berry known to man (and probably some not identified yet) and watching it get made into jelly, jams, and whatever else you can do with it.  Or maybe it was when I started researching all of the processed junk that goes in our food today.  I have had stomach problems forever.  I have had every test known to man, and some I think that they just made up, to see if they could find out what was wrong with me.  After going to an allergy clinic, they put me on an elimination diet of preservatives and dyes.  Now, that is almost IMPOSSIBLE.  Everything we eat has one of those things in it.  So this sent me on a journey that I have not even hardly begun. It is probably a combination of everything.  It is incredibly empowering to grow, make, and eat your own food.  What a journey...

Finished Walkway.
It all started when I told my husband that I wanted to plant a garden this year.  I had no idea what I was doing, I just knew that I wanted fresh food for free in my backyard.  I had NO idea how much work it would take.  I had no idea how much heartache would come.  I had no idea how much my family could be blessed by such a little plot of tilled up dirt.  I drew out what I wanted the garden to look like (I am a VERY type A personality.).  I asked for my Lovely Husband to make it purdy.  I wanted edging around the garden that way it would keep the dirt off the side walk.  I wanted a walkway to my newly created compost bin.  I also wanted a walkway from the gate to the garden.  He surpassed my expectations.  The garden started to look like a garden!  Next, we needed seeds, plants, etc. and the ground tilled some how.  When we asked for help, we had a tiller waiting for us.  Hubby tilled the ground several times (It was grass before garden.).  Then we sewed some seeds I bought in the big city (beans, carrots, lettuce, pumpkins), some potatoes I let sit in the pantry too long, and some onions.  After that we added straw berries, tomatoes, broccoli, peppers, squash, watermelon, and okra to name a few from the local greenhouse.  Then we sat back and waited...and watered, and waited some more.
Crazy garden

Soon plants started sprouting.  It was CRAZY.  Two kids that have never planted a garden had a living, breathing garden in their backyard that actually stayed alive!  So far we have gotten pounds and pounds of tomatoes, jalapenos, banana peppers, green and purple bell peppers, okra, spaghetti squash, zucchini, cucumbers, watermelon, onions, strawberries, lettuce, and beets.  It's absolutely amazing.

Picking on one day.
Our hard work paid off.  Even though or tomato plants got spider mites and the bean plants leaves were nubbed by grasshoppers, it has been an experience for the whole family.  The kids have enjoyed picking with us and love going out and seeing what we can pick today.  They also like helping in the kitchen when it comes time to put it all up.

I will link a few of the recipes that I used today when canning so that you can try them too!

Tomatoes drying in the dehydrator.
Strawberry Banana Jam
(I had lots of bananas that were too ripe to eat and they worked perfectly in this.)
(I did whole, diced, and crushed.)
(I water bathed these instead.  Its safer.)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Dirty Wall

Luke 21:36
Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.
All of our souls are like a dirty wall. 

So I was just sitting here at the computer and I looked over at the wall beside me and it was splattered with something brown.  Not really sure how the mess had gotten there but I am sure it has been there some time.  I am sure that I have noticed it before and have said to myself I should clean that but then got busy with other things.  I am sure others in the house had seen that it was dirty but left it for me to clean off.  It made me think of my dirty soul.  There are smudges, grease splatters, cobwebs, and dust to name a few of the more "delightful" issues with it.  There more detestable things I will keep to myself.  But how many of us go through life with these "dirty" spots?  We think "Oh I will fix that later.  Please be patient with me God, I am just not ready."  How many of us see those dirty spots on others and go on with life because "It just isn't my problem."  Well it is time for us to get the magic eraser and get to cleaning.  Whether it is our life, our spouses, kids, friends, etc. we owe it to people to help them CLEAN their soul.  Maybe it is just asking a friend how things are going and letting them know that we are praying for them.  In some cases it could be appropriate to point things out to them that need "fixed".  Praying is so powerful.  We should all do it more.  I admire the Islamic tradition of praying 5 times a day.  What devotion!  Look deep into your soul.  You know what needs cleaned.  You know what needs straightened up.  For we never know the time our Savior will come back for us.  We must stand watch and be ready.

I had a conversation with a lady at church on Sunday about how she likes to clean her walls on a regular basis.   They might look clean, but there is always dust and spider webs that you can't quite see.  Sometimes it just takes a bright light or the sun glinting off the web in just the right way to make it visible.  You might think your soul is pretty clean, and that you are doing ok for now.  But we ALL need JESUS.  He is our saving grace.  We all can put forth a clean wall to people we interact with...  Let's try to make sure that it is a genuine clean wall.  I would hate for the light of Jesus to show the webs you are hiding.  Take the time now to SPRING CLEAN THE SOUL.  God bless.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I love the website BzzAgent.  I have gotten the opportunity to try so many great items.  One that I tried this week was Morning Star.  I had seen the product before in the store but was very leery about eating a burger that was made out of veggies.  Well, since they gave me a free coupon I tried it.  They were amazing.  I am defiantly going to try the other things that they make too.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Waffles Everywhere!!

So today, since I had time, I decided to look up about freezer meals. I have always thought about it; I just never actually did the research. I am the type that you just need to tell me how to do it and I can do it. So I finally found a website that gets you familiar with freezer meals. It has you make 5 things a week to get your freezer stocked in breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinners. So far I have just made the waffles.  I ended up with 2 gallon freezer bags full of waffles.  My son LOVES waffles and the ones at the store were getting expensive plus all the preservatives can't be good for anyone.  I am so excited also because they are corn free (except for the baking powder).

Next on the list is to make a baking mix.  This is like bisqick and again minus the additives and SANS corn!! 

Having a corn intolerance is very annoying but one of these days I will get it figured out.  I sure feel tons better when I stay away from it.

If you want the recipe of the waffles or to check out the 4 weeks of freezer meals go to Money Saving Mom.  She has really excellent ideas.

Well here is to a NEW year.  The possibilities are endless!!

Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.  -Helen Keller