Monday, August 15, 2011

Pass me the sugar!

If life gives you lemons…

Today was the first day back to school.  I say back to school because when summer started that is the “job” I left.  Yes, the first few days are just in-service days, but still.  It’s back to work.  In some ways, it feels great to be back at school; in others, not so much.  I just can’t help but feel out of place.  I want to do so much, and have so many good ideas to use in the classroom.  But, it’s not mine.
Anyway, someday I will have a classroom to utilize all these grand ideas.  In till then, they can roll over and over in my mind until they can come out as polished gems.

One of the things that I learned at the Primary Source Workshop was using a beach ball to discuss primary sources.  You write on each colored space on a beach ball different questions you would like to discuss about primary sources.  Take a photograph for example.  You can write the following questions on the beach ball…  What is going on in the picture?  What questions does this picture raise to you?  What feelings does the picture produce?  Etc.  Then the students toss this ball around and answer questions that their finger falls on.  You can use the balls over and over since they are generic questions and it gets students to use a higher level of thinking and learn using primary sources.  Something that often gets over looked.

Deals at Dollar General!
Visit Nicole’s Nickels to get the 411 on ways to save at our local store.  There are quite a few great deals.  Plus if I am working you not only get great deals, but you get to see me too!  How much better can it get?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Workout Partner

I really need to get some motivation to work out.  You would think the ever rising number on the scale would be enough for me.  But for some reason I just cant get motivated to do anything lately.  The house is a wreck for one.  I always seem to have to do something else.  It seems if I am not working I am taking care of a kid or too and by the time they go to bed at night I am exhausted.  When could I even make time!  Steal time!  Create time.  I know it is something you just have to do.  I would really like to be able to run a marathon next year.  It is a goal I have.  I have friends that are working out (except they are in different towns).  It seems that smart phone apps are keeping them going.  But for those of us that afford a smart phone we have to figure something else out.  I want to be healthy and stay healthy.  I am out of shape and that puts me at risk for getting sick.  I know I am by no means obese...but I am not healthy.  I want to be healthy for my family.

I just need to figure out what works.

Here are my goals for the month of August:
1.  Get my house in order.  With out my house organized I can not do anything else.
2.  Start a workout plan and stick to it.  No excuses.
3.  Love.  I don't think I have been doing near enough of it.
4.  Take some time to myself.  Not a lot...just need some quiet time to myself to regain my sanity.
5.  Pray.

I'll let you know at the end of August how it turns out.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Loving Heart? Plus Dollar General Coupon Matchups...

“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.”  -Dalai Lama

I feel like lately I have been drawing the short stick a lot.  I let a friend borrow our truck so that she could move and now the whole side of it looks like wolverine decided to add his personal touch.  And this brings me to a question or a Y in my path of life.  I love helping people out.  I feel that if someone needs something that I have, I will help out.  So a truck is just a material object.  But it is an object that I have a vested interest in.  It is not paid for (and even if it was) it is my property and I was nice enough to loan it out.  I expected to get it back in the same shape as I loaned it out.  Is that too much to ask???  I feel that the value of our truck is hurt.  Something we have worked hard to buy, pay for, and keep nice.  They had the truck for over 24 hours.  It came back and the whole side looks like it was driven through a forest.  Some scratches are completely though the paint to the metal.  Some will be able to be buffed out.  But that is besides the point.  If I loaned something, I bring it back in the same shape it is.  I do everything in my power to make sure if is taken care of.  (Except my mothers car, if you know the story of that deer and its demise...) 

So here is my question.  Cause this really makes me NOT want to help anyone out again.  I know that all people are not this way but how do you tell?  Or do you just go through life helping people with a loving heart and hope you don't get screwed over too much.

On a lighter note...I also paid $22 bucks for a package of socks.  That is what I get for not watching the register, and not checking my reciept till the store was closed.  Looks like I will be making a trip back to Wichita to get that oops fixed, which will negate my savings unfortunetly.  ANOTHER short stick.

As far as coupons go today...At Dollar General if you have the $4 off coupon for Airwick Freshmatic Ultra use it on the ones that are on sale for $4.  This will score you a nice way to freshen your home.  Josh put one in the bathroom for me and it has lasted a very long time and it always smells so good.  So make sure you grab this deal!  If you dont have the coupon you can go here and get a $2 off coupon and get one half off. 

There are also other deals posted on Nicoles Nickels for Dollar General, so make sure you check those out too.  Make your dollar last as long as you can!!

"Be kind whenever possible.It is always possible."  -Dalai Lama