Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Workout Partner

I really need to get some motivation to work out.  You would think the ever rising number on the scale would be enough for me.  But for some reason I just cant get motivated to do anything lately.  The house is a wreck for one.  I always seem to have to do something else.  It seems if I am not working I am taking care of a kid or too and by the time they go to bed at night I am exhausted.  When could I even make time!  Steal time!  Create time.  I know it is something you just have to do.  I would really like to be able to run a marathon next year.  It is a goal I have.  I have friends that are working out (except they are in different towns).  It seems that smart phone apps are keeping them going.  But for those of us that afford a smart phone we have to figure something else out.  I want to be healthy and stay healthy.  I am out of shape and that puts me at risk for getting sick.  I know I am by no means obese...but I am not healthy.  I want to be healthy for my family.

I just need to figure out what works.

Here are my goals for the month of August:
1.  Get my house in order.  With out my house organized I can not do anything else.
2.  Start a workout plan and stick to it.  No excuses.
3.  Love.  I don't think I have been doing near enough of it.
4.  Take some time to myself.  Not a lot...just need some quiet time to myself to regain my sanity.
5.  Pray.

I'll let you know at the end of August how it turns out.

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