Luke 21:36
Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that
is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of
All of our souls are like a dirty wall. |
So I was just sitting here at the computer and I looked over at the wall beside me and it was splattered with something brown. Not really sure how the mess had gotten there but I am sure it has been there some time. I am sure that I have noticed it before and have said to myself I should clean that but then got busy with other things. I am sure others in the house had seen that it was dirty but left it for me to clean off. It made me think of my dirty soul. There are smudges, grease splatters, cobwebs, and dust to name a few of the more "delightful" issues with it. There more detestable things I will keep to myself. But how many of us go through life with these "dirty" spots? We think "Oh I will fix that later. Please be patient with me God, I am just not ready." How many of us see those dirty spots on others and go on with life because "It just isn't my problem." Well it is time for us to get the magic eraser and get to cleaning. Whether it is our life, our spouses, kids, friends, etc. we owe it to people to help them CLEAN their soul. Maybe it is just asking a friend how things are going and letting them know that we are praying for them. In some cases it could be appropriate to point things out to them that need "fixed". Praying is so powerful. We should all do it more. I admire the Islamic tradition of praying 5 times a day. What devotion! Look deep into your soul. You know what needs cleaned. You know what needs straightened up. For we never know the time our Savior will come back for us. We must stand watch and be ready.
I had a conversation with a lady at church on Sunday about how she likes to clean her walls on a regular basis. They might look clean, but there is always dust and spider webs that you can't quite see. Sometimes it just takes a bright light or the sun glinting off the web in just the right way to make it visible. You might think your soul is pretty clean, and that you are doing ok for now. But we ALL need JESUS. He is our saving grace. We all can put forth a clean wall to people we interact with... Let's try to make sure that it is a genuine clean wall. I would hate for the light of Jesus to show the webs you are hiding. Take the time now to SPRING CLEAN THE SOUL. God bless.