So it has been three years since I have had a special someone in my life again. This time I have chosen not to let him go. But this also makes me think about others that I have had in my life for this short period of time.
My son was born a little over 3 years ago. He has made me laugh, cry, scream, rejoice, and just stare in wonder. Little kids are such a blessing and I hope that I can be as much a blessing to him as he has been to me.
My step son has been coming over here every other weekend for 3 years. He has also spent every summer over here. He would rather I not even exist. I have spent the last 3 years loving him like my own son. Today I am going to stop worrying whether or not he loves me. I am sure that sounds horrible...but I can not take the emotional abuse that I am inflicting on myself. The worst part about it is that he loves the ex step mom that could care less about him and idolizes her and treats me like a migrant.
This is basically a blog to be thankful for what I have.
I am thankful for my family. They have done nothing but support me in times of need, love me unconditionally, and direct me when I lost my way.
I am thankful for a husband. He has taught me that I can love again. There are people in the world that would rather help build you up than tear you down. As we work on this together, each day gets easier to get through. The last 3 years have been my saving grace.
I am thankful for children. Those that love me for who I am and those that don't... I hope to provide a family for them that will encourage them to grow in more ways than one. I hope that I show them the unconditional love that comes straight from the Father and can only be known from his love.
Even though things do not go my way...I can still be thankful for the time, influence and love that I can give to people around me. Someday things might turn around. Or, maybe not. But what I find peace in, is knowing that I loved the best I could.