Today was the first day back to school. I say back to school because when summer started that is the “job” I left. Yes, the first few days are just in-service days, but still. It’s back to work. In some ways, it feels great to be back at school; in others, not so much. I just can’t help but feel out of place. I want to do so much, and have so many good ideas to use in the classroom. But, it’s not mine.
Anyway, someday I will have a classroom to utilize all these grand ideas. In till then, they can roll over and over in my mind until they can come out as polished gems.One of the things that I learned at the Primary Source Workshop was using a beach ball to discuss primary sources. You write on each colored space on a beach ball different questions you would like to discuss about primary sources. Take a photograph for example. You can write the following questions on the beach ball… What is going on in the picture? What questions does this picture raise to you? What feelings does the picture produce? Etc. Then the students toss this ball around and answer questions that their finger falls on. You can use the balls over and over since they are generic questions and it gets students to use a higher level of thinking and learn using primary sources. Something that often gets over looked.
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